Exchange Management module

Marketplace Concierge Services
ZINFI offers a bouquet of concierge services which provide a wide range of marketing assistance to the channel partners working in collaboration with the OEM concierge team. This services from ZINFI’s Concierge Services Management allows your organization to make custom changes to an existing application in the ZINFI platform or create a customized project with help of ZINFI Team. If you want to update the design and content of an email, microsite or event campaign your vendor has provided, ZINFI’s creative services team can help you to make that happen quickly and affordably. In some cases, your vendor may have to provide final approval.
Key Features Include:
- Custom development
- Content customization
Order Management
UCM’s Marketplace gives you a 360-degree management of Orders. Through the View Store page, the list of packaged products for campaigns and related events can be selected and added directly to your cart and previewed. The Marketplace module automatically tracks purchase requests from partners and like other popular e-commerce solutions, provides a clear, simple checkout process where you can view your cart, change the quantity of selected products, remove products from the cart, continue shopping or complete the checkout process.
The Order History page lets you view the list of previous orders and can be further utilized to view details of a specific order, and previous/ongoing orders can be managed by viewing the name, quantity and price of ordered items, company information, shipping information, billing information and credit card information.
Key Features Include:
- View Store page
- Preview Cart
- Swift Checkouts